Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Magnetic Magic Students

Magnetic Magic-Tuesday June 21; Ages 11-14
1. Kaylee Meyer
2. Kendall Meyer
3. Emily Marcott
4. Renee Marcott
5. Jordan Shanks
6. Jenna Siefken 
7. Emma Porter
8. Rachel Griswold
9. Vanessa Weiler
10. Tessa Varney
This is a full class so if you aren't available to come please call and cancel so we don't prepare for you-thanks.

Magnetic Magic- Friday, June 24; Ages 8-10
1. Suzanna Shanks
2. Lauren Siefken
3. Halle Wilhelm
4. Liv Wilhelm
5. Anna Bohlken
6. Meg Wallman
7. Logan Mueller
8. Madison Mueller
9. Layni Nannen

Again please call in advance if you can't make this class as we have a waiting list.
We had to mix some of the ages of kids to accommodate summer schedules. We will have age appropriate projects for each student. If you have any questions--please call Karen at 402-269-3882; leave a message if you get the answering machine....thanks!

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